Monday, October 29, 2012

A Time of Transition

Yes indeed, this is one of my favorite times of the year - I adore the fall decorations and festive Halloween treats, not to mention the crisp cool air sweeping in - a natural time of transition really...but I am not sure that I am in love with the fact that my favorite time of year is saddled right in the middle of a hugely tangible transition for us.

We have steadily been working towards a move to Raleigh since earlier this year, and would have loved for it to have happened last spring, or even last summer, rather than right now, but God does not make any mistakes, and his timing is perfect regardless...therefore I continue to look for His provision in all that surrounds us - especially those things that are beyond my control!

Not only am I super excited about my Stampin'Up! business, fresh off of the annual Salt Lake City convention and ready to craft for the upcoming seasons and for the NC Moms of Multiples convention this weekend, but I am also excited that my daughter just had a birthday, and things are finally lining up and we are taking stride with the twins...but it is not meant to be for very long...we have closed on our house in Greensboro after 5 closing dates were set and then re-scheduled, but again - God's timing is perfect.

Thus we are thrown into transition - apartment living is, well, apartment living - not sure it is meant to be in the long run for a family of 5 with small children, but I am extremely excited that the kids have their daddy home every night, and that I have some help again as the days come to a close, and that we have a warm, safe place to live in the interium. It's been since May that he took on his new role, and he really loves his new job, so perhaps things are lining up as they should in God's time. The last piece of actual transition, God willing, will come to fruition at the end of November as we close on a house in Wake Forest, and finalize most of the components of this wild ride we have been on for 8 months now!

So here is the real kicker, just when we thought we had hit our stride, we have been thrown for a loop, twins will be joining our family again in April - I continually remind myself that God's timing is perfect, and for whatever reason - it is His plan and not mine - and He does not make mistakes. Yes folks, I am expecting another set of twins on or before April 21st - not really sure who this happens to, but it is indeed our story! I am really thankful that I have this blog to pour out on, for I am not sure my Facebook Friends are quite ready for this story!! So, our time of transition, well, in retrospect, may be the entirety of our lives, not sure what the norm is anymore, or who keeps up with it, but I am positive that there is never a dull moment in the Dozier household and that God's timing is always and forever perfect!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Another FREEBIE...

Just had to share...remember all those posts I put up after the Stampin'Up! convention about my classes, etc...well...I was picked to win a FREE stamp set just for sharing on my social media sites!!! I am so excited! I picked the Notable Alphabet stamp set (pg 144 in our Annual Catalog) which came today- ANOTHER FREE stamp set from my 2012 I Am Convention experience! Thank you Stampin'Up! and Emily Montoya!!

That makes 12 FREE stamp sets!! I am so overwhelmed with ideas about how to use my new stamp sets! I can't wait to share picks of my projects! Stay tuned!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Stampin'Up! "I Am" Convention 2012

So, for those of you who are keeping up ... I joined Stampin'Up! last October as an independent demonstrator. I love to create and to give handmade gifts and cards, and wanted to get a great discount on quality products!

I just spent 5 days in Salt Lake City, Utah at our 2012 I Am Convention. It was fabulous! I had several classes that made a huge impact on me, and my business as I continue to share it with all of you! Here is a sample of what I did while I was there...

I loved the class - I am earning an incentive trip - that's right! I want to go on a free vacation paid for by Stampin'Up! Karen Hauley, Jill Hillard, Meg Holland, and Cynthia Millan were fantastic presenters who have encouraged me to build my business and to make it happen!

The Stampin'Up! Convention 2012 class "I am Savvy" was so great! I got lots of ideas using tons of products!! Donna Griffith, Meg Wheeler, Dawn Griffith, and Laura Milligan had super projects!

Saturday's classes really topped the week off - like a cherry on top - Stampin'Up! 2012 I am Convention class titled "I am starting out" with Emily Montoya was super helpful in understanding the basics of the career plan and how to hit the sweet spot for earning rewards!

Last, Shannon West did a fabulous presentation at Convention 2012 called "I am having fun"! I have lots of new, fun, and wow ideas for my workshops, private classes, and parties!! I can't wait to showcase them!!! So many possibilities!! Get ready to have fun!!!

Check out all the details and all the goodies on my website at

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

He Stands!

He Stands! He Stands! He Stands!

Nicholas pulled himself to standing all by himself yesterday at school! His teachers were so proud and cheering him all the way up! This is a huge milestone for him, he is putting weight on his legs, which means the next major milestone will be cruising while holding on, and then walking! At first with support from a walker, but eventually without a walker! Way to go Nicholas! So proud of you! As Lauren would say "Yeah Babu!" for "Yeah Brother!" We are all doing the happy dance at the Dozier household! Join us!!

Quick disclaimer - it takes almost the whole minute to capture it - and at the end Nicholas gets a big smile on his face and then holds up two fingers - as if to say "Peace Out", and then sits back down - what a show off! Love this little boy!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Embrace an Opportunity

At a mom's group recently we ventured into the topic of how to teach your pre-schooler to embrace other children with special needs. I want to expand on this in my blog - to say - how to teach everyone to embrace families and their children with special needs. This topic was poignant for me because I have recently had serveral experiences where the  people (strangers) around me were uncomfortable with the fact that I had a child with special needs. And while I encourage everyone to seek their pediatrician's advice, or the counsel of the NC Childhood Developmental Services Agency (CDSA) if they suspect their own child has a developing disability, I want to talk specifically about teaching your children, and learning a few lessons along the way from your children, about how to embrace a situation and individuals who are uniquely different.

As many of you know, my 2 year old son, Nicholas has Down Syndrome, and there are a several ways that everyone can be involved and embrace an opportunity...

First - There are many things in my list of what not to say, including the pitiful face and expression "I'm sorry" -but I want to focus on "What to say" - which would be - "How can I help?" Whether your friend has just learned of the diagnosis for their child, or you have a new friend with a diagnosis - you can never go wrong with "Is there anything I can do to help you in this situation, or during this time?"  Or if you see a family at the store, a restaurant, etc. - do you need help carrying your tray? Can I help you with that bag, etc. - step out of your comfort zone slightly and your gesture will most likely be met with thankfulness and gratitude.

Second - pray that you will be a blessing to an individual, child or adult, or family with a situation involving special needs or developmental delays. Pray that you will show courage, strength, and wisdom when approaching a situation where you are not aware of all of the attributing factors, and that you will somehow be a light for them at that moment.  

Third - get involved - talk to your children about how God made us all uniquely important, and different for that matter. Be open to introducing your pre-school children to other children with delays - go out of your way to introduce yourself and your child at the play date, museum, etc. You will set the example for your child, and they will so often follow our cues. When your child asks "Why does that boy have braces on his feet" or "Why does she have a walker" - it is not hard to say - "That sweet boy needs help to walk, just like you and I do everyday - he needs help to do those things, and his braces help him walk". Anytime our oldest daughter starts to inquire about the services or equipment that we have in place for Nicholas, I always tell her - "Nicholas needs help to do this, but if we are patient with him and encourage him, he will be able to do all of the same things you can do, it just might take him a little longer to do it".  Children have such a sweet innocence about them, and I am certainly not going to crush that with an ill-faded remark that will begin to jade their spirit and attitude towards someone who develops differently than they do.

 Here are a few Triad local and national resources:

1. Spread the Word to end the Word - take the pledge to end the use of the "R" word -; Ida mentioned this - it is not acceptable any longer to use this word to describe yourself or another individual in any circumstance. This word is hurtful and has a very negative connotation. If you hear someone use the word, take the opportunity to share the pledge and encourage them to find another way to express themselves or their situation.

2. Down Syndrome Network Annual Buddy Walk - held every year in October, all are welcome - local chapters sponsor each walk - local chapter - DSN of Greater Greensboro -; funds raised go to support local families with financial hardships due to medical procedures or conditions, in addition to sponsoring families for services needed such as speech therapy, physical therapy, etc. and awareness and support

3. Special Olympics of North Carolina - get involved as a sponsor, mentor, coach, fan, and  in many other ways -

4. Peacehaven Community Farm - volunteer workdays every Saturday spring through fall for families regardless of ability and age.  Peacehaven is a non-profit that serves people with intellectual disabilities, and volunteer workdays are a great way to interact and get to know the farmers who tend the crops there -

5. Arc Barks - special treats made by special hands - dog treats are made by bakers who have intellectual and developing disabilities. Stop by their store front Mon-Friday from 9am-2pm to participate in the baking, and to meet the volunteers  - 2823-C Spring Garden St - G'boro. I took the kids here a few weeks ago and we had a blast - everyone was so nice and the kids loved it - a great way to open up a conversation with your little ones about special needs and embracing others with differences -

I hope this helps - thank you for taking the time to read and for your continued prayers and support!

Friday, April 27, 2012

From doubt to purpose through faith

     Last night at our contemporary service at Guilford College UMC, The Porch, Pastor Ben Carson asked us to give a testimony about a time in our lives when we were overshadowed with doubt, and how we relied on Jesus to bring us through the darkness of doubt into the light. Well, ironically enough, I doubted I could stand up and give my testimony, and so I didn't, but haven't been able to get it off my heart here goes my testimony...
     We found out we were pregnant with twins - a game changer as we called it - we entered into this journey with lots of prayer - and the answer - every scenario was worth considering - if God intended for us to parents of twins - everything was worth considering about the who, what, where, and how of our journey thus far. Introduce doubt - I doubted I could even physically manage this - Jesus met me right where I was - I carried my precious babies for 37 weeks and 2 days - full term and healthy.
      There was doubt that covered us with how to manage financially three children under the age of 3 years old. Jesus met us there in our time of doubt - Nick was offered a role with his company that would allow us to manage financially with me staying at home - in Greensboro.
     Then doubt again - how would we ever manage to move to Greensboro to begin his new role with newborn twins and a 2 year old?  Jesus met us in our time of doubt - our house sold after 3 weeks on the market, with a full price offer to begin our transition.
     Would we find a place to live in Greensboro and successfully make this transition? Jesus met us right where we were - new construction in our price range with enough square footage to support this new family of five.
     But doubt came back again - Nicholas was born with Down Syndrome - I doubted that I was prepared for this part of the journey and was capable of being a mother to a child with special needs. How could this be our journey - so much doubt - yet so much purpose in the midst of every step of our journey. Yes - Jesus met us right where we were - this was no mistake - not a single bit of it - it was very purposeful that our faith had brought us this far, even though we had doubted. The Lord continues to assure me that He has very special plans, and very big plans for each one of us every day. There is no doubt I am meant to be the mommy of these three precious gifts from God.
     Through each circumstance, though I sometimes doubt, I rely fully on His purpose for my life through my faith in Him. I really wanted to blend into the crowd, for so long, go unnoticed, passed over, unrecognizable - but this is not God's plan for my life, or any other Christian for that matter. He purposefully places us where we are to be His light - and last night's sermon and testimonies helped me to realize that, although my desire was to serve Him quietly, this is not His desire for me - so I die to myself and follow Him - because I will almost always be noticed everywhere I go - and yet, it is this my friends, that is the greatest opportunity of my lifetime - to share the good news that Jesus is alive and that His grace is sufficient every time I am noticed. I always get asked - "How you do it" - and my answer is - I don't - God is good all the time and I rely on Him - I certainly am not equipped to do this on my own - but I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength to do it. His purpose for me is faith unyeilding, even though I doubt.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Life with a swing set...

is pretty good! We debated for many months, and really wanted to knock it out of the ballpark with a wooden swing set, playground mulch, the works. But...we finally changed our thought process, and decided to bunt with a metal swing set that includes swings, see-saws, a slide, and a combo of plain ole' grass and weeds! And it has been one of the best decisions - we told Kyndra from the get go - she needed to learn how to swing on her own, and after 3 days of humming and howing on her part - she figured it out! We are so proud of her, and she is extremely proud of herself. The last few months have been major milestones for her - learned how to swing, learned how to ride her bike, learned how to ride a scooter, learned a few soccer moves at Lil' Kickers Soccer camp - all major stuff! And watching her on the swing set is so nostalgic, and I love that it takes me back to a place where the best part of life was on a swing every spare moment of the day - nothing else to worry about, just the wind in my  hair, and the bounce of the swing. Childhood has so much innocence, and it is nice to be reminded of that on a daily basis amidst all of the busy-ness and organized chaos. They are growing up too fast - we are trying to slow down and enjoy all of these little moments - and when we do it is a lot of fun!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday Super Tots!

It is hard to believe that 2 years ago Nicholas and Lauren were welcomed into this family - I really thought the first 2 years would be the toughest, and if I could just make it through the first two, the rest would be, well, much easier. I think I have it backwards! And I know God has many plans for us, some we are prepared for, others He is definately still molding and shaping us for. I think the first 2 years are, and were probably the easiest - not that these two precious little ones are not the most loveable, fun loving, creative, and special individuals we have ever known, but because this parenting thing doesn't end after the first 2 years. I think my next goal is to make it through the next 16 years, which I will need lots of help for - divine help that only He can give me.

For those that don't know - twins were a total surprise for us at my 8 week appointment, and a "game changer" for whatever plans we thought we had for our life. It took me almost the whole pregnancy to wrap my head around carrying two babies, and then birthing two babies. Unbelievable, still not sure how I did it, or how Nick managed to support me throughout. He did so much during those 9 months that I couldn't, he was, at times, the mom and the dad to Kyndra - he was awesome. But, that was just the beginning, because shortly after Nicholas and Lauren were born, after a healthy pregnancy, we were told Nicholas had Down Syndrome. So not only were we opening a new chapter of life with multiples, we were also opening a chapter of life with a child with special needs. But at the end of it all, a true blessing all the way around. It's hard to explain, but the best I can is that it IS God's plan for our life. And I will never forget when Kyndra , 2 and a half years old, walked into the hospital room to meet her new brother and sister for the first time, and the first words out of her mouth were - "Where my Super Babies?"

Our prayer has been, and will continue to be, that God puts the right people in our path at exactly the right time. And He has - each and every step of the way. A prayer that a friend of mine, who also has a child with DS, told me she prayed along her journey. I am so grateful for her advice, and wisdom in this particular area. I think I would drive myself crazy back to the 2nd birthday - Happy Birthday Nicholas! Happy Birthday Lauren! We love you and are so glad that we didn't know what God's plan was for our life 2 years ago, but are so happy to know that we are forever changed because you are with us!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Roaring like a lion!

My God is not dead
He's surely alive
He's living on the inside
Roaring like a lion
This is the chorus from the Newsboys song "God's Not Dead"...Kyndra and I were listening to this song yesterday at the house on, and debated whether the verse is "Roaring like a lion", or "Rolling like a lion" guess was roaring, her guess was rolling...Mommy was right - it is roaring - so this song has become a favorite of ours, sort of like our anthem as we are driving to and from our daily routines and activities.
But the greatest part about this story - after we put the kids to bed tonight, we went back upstairs to hear Kyndra singing this chorus, 2 times, 3 times, 4 times, over and over again. God is so good - I am so moved and surrounded by God's loving grace when I hear their little voices singing, chanting, and loving God through praise, worship, and best of all - through song! I really hope she keeps these words in her heart always, and these really positive thoughts in her mind forever, no matter what circumstances she faces - may she always be reminded that she is brave through Christ who gives her strength - living on the inside roaring like a lion!
Moments like these make all the challenges of our day melt away in an instant - thank you Lord! You are so good!!!

***if I could figure out how to que "God's Not Dead" by the Newsboys as your background noise while you read this post I would, but I'm not quite that good at this blogging stuff yet :) Check it out on ITunes, or!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

He uses a spoon!

We are so excited, and beside ourselves! Nicholas is using a spoon! And rather appropriately! This is a huge step! We are so excited, but it is really messy! So far, chili has been the messiest. The applesauce we can handle, but chili just about took us to our breaking point! We need to insert "feeding shirt" so that the mess is totally OK!! He seems to eat more, if he can feed himself, so I am also loving this new independence he has, and so is he! He gets the biggest, goofiest, proudest grin on his face when he scoops the food, inserts it into his mouth, and then goes again. Of course he could be grinning because we are breaking out in applause just about every time he does it, but that is beside the point! What isn't beside the point is this - what a hot mess - literally and figuratively! Both him and his space when he is done! Look out world, here we come!!! What's next...

To drink soda, or not to drink soda...

that is the question...and after much stubborness and unwillingness to give it up for some crazy reason, I was forced into giving it up by a stomach bug the 1st of January...and I have to say, after the first few days, it wasn't so hard to resist it. And now I am glad that I did, because I have lost 10 pounds in 45 days, and kept it off. Everything fits better, and I actually feel better. Caffine is addictive though, and I know this, most people know this, but we still choose to drink it anyway. Not sure there are any real health benefits to it, we know it makes you hyperactive, it dehydrates you, it's full of sugar that just sticks to your body like a bad glue, and curbs your appetite to make you hungrier. But it does taste so good. Oh well, so long for now, for the second time in my life! I made the conscious decision 9 years ago to give it up while training for a half marathon, and saw really great results then too, but went back to it about a year after the race was over. But my will power is back! Soda, you won't get the best of me, not yet, and not right now!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Welcome one and all! Here we go...hope you are ready! Life with 3 pre-school with with a special needs child...the sweet moments of parenthood...the drama of girls...the take your breath away moments...the I never want to forget this as long as I live because it is so precious in Christ each and every day...trusting God to provide all that we need, in each and every circumstance...loving each other every day, in every way, and through it all. Thank you for coming along on this journey with us!