Friday, March 22, 2013

35 weeks...

And counting! Wow, what a week it has been!! Nicholas started his pre-k classroom on Monday, and is doing great! He has an awesome teacher and the T.A.'s are rock stars too! I am so happy for him, and while we miss having him home, we are excited that he is learning new things and making new friends!

Both Nicholas and Lauren had their annual check-ups this week, which went very well! Thank goodness that there were no immunizations at this visit, that really saved me from having to restrain a child and endure the drama of shots!!

Kyndra is getting very excited about Easter, but was the most excited about my mom, "Mama" coming to visit! She arrived on Tuesday, and threw herself in without hesitation! What an awesome breath of fresh air this week for sure! I have needed the break, and the kids have enjoyed spending time with her. Nick has enjoyed having a clean house! Mama is running circles around me, and probably thinks "what a mess", which is mostly true, but she has been amazing at helping us get ready for our new additions while keeping up with our daily routines!

For me, well, most of my days have been spent lying down at this point and wondering where all of my energy has gone and if the babies are ready yet. The doctor doesn't think I will make it to 38 weeks. Not enough to send panic waves, but enough to let us know that the time is drawing near. Both heartbeats look good, and fetal activity is good too. My money is on April 1st, which may seem to some not a great date, but to me, it seems to make perfect sense. A nice little bow on top of this package that we have been waiting almost 9 months to unwrap!

A few funnies from this week...Nicholas loves to sit on the couch with me and run his cars over my huge belly, it makes the perfect hill for anything on wheels!

Mama gave the girls a "good girl snack" this week - a special snack for listening and behaving - What was it? Cupcakes, of course - what else! I am secretly relieved that it wasn't chocolate cake for breakfast Bill Cosby.

At my check-up this week, my doctor said I had an irritable uterus. I've been having wave like contractions at the top of my uterus, which, are not necessarily painful, just very uncomfortable. In other words, my uterus has pretty much stretched as far as it wants to go and is saying - enough already. Well, when I told Nick this, we both had a good laugh over what we have dubbed - IUS (irritable uterus syndrome) - to which I reassured him that I knew he was thinking that my uterus wasn't the only thing irritable these days :)

Thank you again for your continued support and prayers! If you are curious about how you can help, please read my post from March 13th...for those of you who have signed up to bring a meal, sent gift cards, offered to help with the kids, and prayed for us - thank you soooo much! I can't tell you what a difference it has made in the last week. The meals have been fabulous, the gift cards are so helpful, and your prayers have been felt and have carried us through each day.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

34 weeks and counting!

That's right, time has flown by for most, for me, the countdown has begun! We are at 34 weeks, babies are both head down and growing great! Baby Boy Dozier is estimated at 5.1 lbs and Baby Girl Dozier is estimated at 5.7 lbs, which equals A WHOLE LOT OF BABY in this belly! Our target due date is between 34 and 38 weeks. For comparison purposes...Nicholas and Lauren were born at 37 weeks and 2 days, weighing 6.14 lbs and 7.14 lbs, so add three more weeks to this pregnancy and we may very well be at 7 lb babies again! A huge blessing for sure! For me, that means a snails pace from this point forward! Can't do too much standing, walking, or even sitting. It's mostly lying on my side, at every opportunity, to make sure our new additions arrive safely and timely! No official bed rest, but mine as well be - can't really get much of anything done with 10+ pounds of baby in your belly!!

Nick has been awesome, just like the last time we took this ride together, he has stepped right up to accomplish the things that normally take the two of us - almost all of the house chores - including cooking, cleaning, and errands - in addition to keeping the kids on schedule for meals, baths, and bedtimes - and oh yeah - his full time job that pays the bills. I am really one lucky gal to have such an awesome partner on this journey. Not sure it has hit the kids yet, but they do often ask - "who is coming over to help us today mommy?" So I think they are enjoying meeting mommy's friends and anticipating what type of fun comes with each new person at the house! I continue to remain grateful to all of my friends who have generously offered to help during this challenging time!

I have had lots of questions about what we need, how to help, I thought I would include it here...we are actually in pretty good shape for baby cribs, mattress, gear, etc. - with many thanks to our friends at Guilford College UMC in Greensboro. What a blessing you have been to us during the past few years, and even though we are miles apart, we are eternally grateful for your continued support and prayers! Other areas of need:

1. There is a meal train set up for us by the wonderful people at St.James United Methodist Church in Raleigh. Anyone can participate, simply paste the link on your browser and log in to sign up for a date and a meal -

2. If meals aren't your thing, and you would rather give a gift, diapers (sizes 1 or 2), wipes, or gift cards to Target, Walmart, or Sam's are very much appreciated.

3. If meals or gifts aren't your thing, and you have time to spare, we could use some help around the house! This includes watching the kids while I am at the doctor, carpooling, or even taking the kids out to play or for a walk one afternoon. Simple things that I am having trouble with at the moment, but huge things when it comes to making a fun day for the kids!

4. Last, but most importantly, your prayers. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we venture into this journey, which we know a little bit about, but could in no way ever really be prepared for again! Pray that the babies arrive safely, that the right people will be available and in our path at exactly the right time (doctors, nurses, caretakers, friends, family), and that our (or rather MY) anxieties will cease about how to get all of the details worked out in a situation that I have no control over, but that God is in complete control of.

Stay tuned...we are no where near the end of this story!