Yes indeed, this is one of my favorite times of the year - I adore the fall decorations and festive Halloween treats, not to mention the crisp cool air sweeping in - a natural time of transition really...but I am not sure that I am in love with the fact that my favorite time of year is saddled right in the middle of a hugely tangible transition for us.
We have steadily been working towards a move to Raleigh since earlier this year, and would have loved for it to have happened last spring, or even last summer, rather than right now, but God does not make any mistakes, and his timing is perfect regardless...therefore I continue to look for His provision in all that surrounds us - especially those things that are beyond my control!
Not only am I super excited about my Stampin'Up! business, fresh off of the annual Salt Lake City convention and ready to craft for the upcoming seasons and for the NC Moms of Multiples convention this weekend, but I am also excited that my daughter just had a birthday, and things are finally lining up and we are taking stride with the twins...but it is not meant to be for very long...we have closed on our house in Greensboro after 5 closing dates were set and then re-scheduled, but again - God's timing is perfect.
Thus we are thrown into transition - apartment living is, well, apartment living - not sure it is meant to be in the long run for a family of 5 with small children, but I am extremely excited that the kids have their daddy home every night, and that I have some help again as the days come to a close, and that we have a warm, safe place to live in the interium. It's been since May that he took on his new role, and he really loves his new job, so perhaps things are lining up as they should in God's time. The last piece of actual transition, God willing, will come to fruition at the end of November as we close on a house in Wake Forest, and finalize most of the components of this wild ride we have been on for 8 months now!
So here is the real kicker, just when we thought we had hit our stride, we have been thrown for a loop, twins will be joining our family again in April - I continually remind myself that God's timing is perfect, and for whatever reason - it is His plan and not mine - and He does not make mistakes. Yes folks, I am expecting another set of twins on or before April 21st - not really sure who this happens to, but it is indeed our story! I am really thankful that I have this blog to pour out on, for I am not sure my Facebook Friends are quite ready for this story!! So, our time of transition, well, in retrospect, may be the entirety of our lives, not sure what the norm is anymore, or who keeps up with it, but I am positive that there is never a dull moment in the Dozier household and that God's timing is always and forever perfect!